1. Plain Greek Yogurt: I absolutely love the taste of Greek yogurt. I like it so much I can't even eat regular yogurt anymore. My favorite way to eat it is with strawberries, chia seeds, and granola for breakfast. Or I will add to a breakfast smoothie and have used it as a sour cream replacement with food.
2. Netflix: I, like half of the world, am obsessed with Netflix. I love watching movies and Netflix gives you access to many different categories of movies. I haven't really heard of half of the movies on there, so it always makes for an interesting experience picking a random movie. I also enjoy watching series on there, like Mad Men and Parks and Recreation. Whenever I am bored, I just binge watch a series that I have never seen before.
3. Fall: I am a totally different person when fall comes around. I am the best version of myself whenever I can wear sweaters and boots. Living in Chicago, I feel like I have perfected how to dress in the fall and winter time because they are the 2 seasons that last the most. Summer is great because of the freedom from school, but fall will aways have my heart. Also, when is the Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) coming back?
4. Pillows: Ahhh, so soft! I enjoy having a lot of pillows on my bed and couch because they add an extra layer of comfort. I also use them for decor, but even when I do, they have to be functional and comfortable. Nothing is better to me than laying on my bed surrounded by a bunch of pillows.
5. Fruit: My favorite type of food is most definitely fruit. I can eat fruit all day long and never get tired of it. I like eating fruit as a snack and as dessert. I love that fruit is naturally sweet so it feels like your indulging but really you're being healthy.
6. Lazy Days: I love those days when you don't have any responsibilities you need to attend to and you can just lounge around your home. Usually, I like to have these kinds of days when it is raining or snowing outside because you can't really feel guilty for not wanting to go out. I like stay in my PJ's, go downstairs to my living room with a blanket, and catch up on my DVR or watch movies.
7. Roller coasters: I love the adrenaline rush you get after going on a roller coaster. You feel like you can run a marathon and automatically want to go on the ride again. I love going to Six Flags in the summer with all my friends and just riding all of the rides that we possibly can.
8. Coffee: Lattes, cappuccinos, espresso, and etc. the possibilities are endless with coffee. I love it in all of its forms but my favorite is just your standard cup of coffee with a dash of cream and one sugar. Coffee makes my insides warm and gives me a jolt of energy. Whenever I drink it (almost everyday) I feel like the best possible version of myself.
9. Receiving Packages: The quote in the beginning of this post from The Sound of Music is actually very accurate. I love the suspense and the wait time you go through while waiting for a package from an online order. It feels like Christmas when you look outside your door and see a package waiting for you.
10. Sweaters: This favorite kind of ties into the whole love for fall thing, but I felt it deserved its on own place as well. I love warm, over-sized sweaters that I can wear with black pants and boots. Whenever I wear one of my favorite sweaters, it instantly lifts my mood and I feel like I can conquer the world.
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