Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I Want to Monogram it all

I had been eyeing monogrammed items for quite some time and finally made an order from Marley Lilly this past December.  I love my purchases and use them way too much.  I love monograms because they are classic and unique.  You can choose a font and be assured that the monogram will be unique to you (what are the odds that you will find someone with the same monogram- not too high).

What I ordered:

In navy blue with white embroidered monogram

In graphite heather with black embroidered monogram


Since I got these items I have worn them way too often.  These pieces are all so versatile and I find that they have been a great addition to my wardrobe.  The quality of these products is absolutely amazing and I know they will last a long time.  I can not wait to order more monogrammed items.  You can monogram almost anything that you want-- this is dangerous, I want my monogram on everything!

One of my favorite ways to style my vest!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Classic: L.L. Bean Boots

Winter seams wonderful all through the holiday season and then we betray it as soon as the going gets tough in January and February.  Yeah, winter can be brutal but we can get through it with a few essentials, one of those being... BOOTS!

Bean Boots had been on my wish list for about two years and I finally got a pair this past November.  When I ordered them they were on back order and I was lucky to get them right before Winter.  Today they are still on back order which stinks, however it is awesome that they are in high demand because these boots are definitely worth it.

The quality of these boots is absolutely amazing, I know that they will last a long time.  These boots are also heavy duty and I'm not afraid to get dirty.  One of my favorite things about them is that they are made in America.  With so many items being imported it is awesome to know that the U.S. can make a quality product.  Bean Boots are incredibly comfortable, and have a great grip to prevent slipping.  They are not the most affordable boots on the market, however they are worth every penny. When you compare them to the amount of money that you are willing to spend on other brand boots, these come out on top.  They are are more durable than most boots and you would be surprised with how many outfits you can match Bean Boots with.

Winter is a great season for Bean Boots, however they can definitely be used throughout the year!

I have worn my Bean Boots almost everyday since I got them--obsessed!


Saturday, January 10, 2015

I'm a Survivor: First Semester Update

Destiny's Child always knew what to say!
Well hello there!

I know, I know long time no speak. I am so sorry for that! But the holidays and those lovely things called finals got the best of me. After a hectic 3 weeks of doing work, studying, and losing sleep, I am finally done with my first semester of college. Isn't that crazy? I am home for the holidays as a new person, maybe not completely but different in some aspects. I have learned so much about life and myself in these few short months (sounds so cheesy but is true). I never thought I would be having the college experience and here are the factors that have helped me through this...

1. The People I Have Met

I can honestly say that the type of people you surround yourself for most of your time in college define the experience you will have. I have been fortunate enough to meet people and hang out with amazing people and have made some (hopefully) life-long friends. My friend group and I study, party, lounge, eat, and generally have a good time together. My closest friend group all live in the same dorm building as I do, so its super convenient because they are only a few doors or floors down from me. Even though we usually mess around and have a good time together, we do get all of work done in the library with minimal distractions. You need these kind of friends in your life, people who you can have fun with but will also understand and push you to do your work.

2. Self-Control

I knew going into college that I was going to be faced with temptation. Temptation to go out, to watch a movie, to not do work, to eat tons of junk food and to skip class and sleep in. Now I am not saying I successfully avoided all forms of temptation, but I think I managed pretty well and controlled myself when appropriate. They say that time management is essential in college and this is true. It is very easy to lose track of time and get distracted, but if you plan out what you need to do and when you need to do it, life should become a little easier. PLANNERS ARE LIFE.

3. Find a Good Study/Homework Spot(s)

This semester, especially in the beginning, I was a nomad when it came to my study spots. I travelled from libraries to study rooms in search for the right place. And what I found out (at least for myself) is that there is not one lone study spot that is going to work. If I need complete silence I go by myself to one of the libraries, if I am studying with friends and don't mind being distracted I go to another library, if I don't feel like leaving my dorm building I go to a lounge and if I am doing work between classes, I go to the Union. I have different spots for different situations and it keeps things interesting to have a change of scenery.

Although there are many other factors that helped me survive this semester (such as peanut butter and releasing anger/stress at the gym) these are the main ones that helped me survive academically and socially. Hopefully this next semester I can one up myself and focus even harder.

Also, I am so sorry I have not blogged during my winter break! I have been busy with the holidays, visiting friends and family and getting some rest. Also I have been catching up with my good friend, Netflix (shoutout to Gilmore Girls and Friends). But I will be blogging in these days before I go back to school and during school!

Have a great rest of the weekend!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

December on the Beach with Vogue

Happy New Year!! I have been meaning to put up some blog posts in the past weeks but I have been so busy and I am finally able to put up a quick post today.  I was in Puerto Vallarta about a week and a half ago and I thought that today I would share that small trip with you all.

I had a great time at the beach.  It was nice to get warm weather in the middle of winter.  I sat under the sun the entire time that I was there because I really wanted to get tan.  Safe to say that I did get some color!  I am definitely not looking forward to the freezing weather that I will return to on Sunday night.

One of my favorite things that I did while on vacation was drink fresh coconut water.  I love everything coconut and I had never drank water right out of the coconut.  There were many coconut vendors on the beach.  It was really cool to see them open the coconut right in front of me, then they would come back and take out the coconut meat so I could eat it-- may I say it was delicious!

I am so thankful for the vacation that I was able to take with my family this winter break.  When I went to Cancun this past June I fell in love with the ocean.  I love going to the beach and cannot wait to return.  The beach is a great place to really relax.  I love looking out to the ocean, it allows me to forget about my everyday worries like school and work.  We all need a break some times.

After my last few trips to beautiful beaches I have found that this quote is true.  Sometimes we have to let out emotions out, other times we have to work hard, and if not sometimes we just have to get away.
