Friday, September 26, 2014

Ride the Train to Coffee Town

Two posts about coffee in one week? Why not! As I was scrolling through Facebook (definitely not procrastinating) I ran across a post that caught my eye. It was a link to a map of Chicago's greatest coffee shops based on the train line system. So basically its a coffee shop per stop and I thought it was genius!
Each stop has a distinct coffee shop that you can attend and I think it would be a fun activity to go to as many shops as you can! I'm not sure how many cups of coffee you can drink before you overdose on caffeine, but maybe visiting 4 or 5 shops a day and not drinking coffee at each would be perfectly fine. The nice people at The Thrillist even go so far as to show you each line individually. I'll share some of them with you...

Red Line:

Brown Line:

The Loop:

If you live in Chicago, I definitely recommend bookmarking this in your phone so if you ever feeling like trying a new coffee place on your way to work, school, or anywhere you know where to look! Even if you don't live in Chicago, but you are visiting, checking out some of these places is definitely a must! You can Yelp the best places to ensure you get the best coffee. I definitely plan on doing this whenever I go back home (Diana, we are obviously doing this together!) and I will let you guys know how it is! 

Check out the full post with more details here

Have a great weekend!


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