Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What I'm Up To Today: I am sick

Good afternoon to anyone who maybe reading this.  Does this blog get any readers? I hope so, I  sure hope so.  My regular College schedule has started, and so far so good.  I think I'm used to college.   Or maybe I am just walking around pretending, when really I am going about this college thing completely wrong.  Whatever, it's okay.   Like I said before, I am a commuter.  I thought that being a commuter would save me from the illnesses that go around college dorms.  However to my dismay, I AM SICK.  I am not terribly sick,  I haven't missed class and I am still aware of the deadline of my paper due tomorrow (which I have yet to start.)  But yes, I have a cold; my throat hurts, my nose is stuffy (maybe my French accent will be better in class this week), I'm exhausted, I feel week, and I get headaches.  I'm still alive.  I rarely get sick.  I am used to getting sick about once a year and I am never sick in the fall.  Not this year!  It's finally feeling like fall and I have the germs of college students living inside of me.  On top of that I think I have an eye infection.  No big deal I'll just die my first week into college.   So now I report to you from my cozy. comfy, bed.  After classes today, and delayed public transportation, I got home, turned on Netflix, and got myself some chicken noodle soup.  Then I drugged (DayQuil)  myself in hopes that I could pull myself together so that I can get homework done this afternoon.

Are you in college yet?  If so, be prepared to get sick! The college germs are coming for you.  It's inevitable to get sick at during college.  So take care of your selves.  Mom and Dad can't nurse you back to health.  But, you will be okay I promise.

-Get those drugs
-Pop some chicken noodle soup into your microwave
-Sleep and watch Netflix
-Make sure you have tissue with you at all times
-Cough drops and water -need
-Consider ditching class and stay in bed all day... JK pull your self together and whatever you do try to never miss classes!  Don't let a little cold get in the way of your motivation.

My soup, my Netflix, my bed. All I need.
BTW: Today I finished watching the Desperate Housewives Series.  I loved it and got hooked this summer.  It is great that I am done because it was really distracting me from homework these past couple of weeks.  Hopefully I won't be hooked on anymore Netflix for a while.  I am not proud of my Netflix addiction.  I realized my problem, that's the first step right?


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