Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Day 1: 19 and Crazy

My 19th year of life has been one of the best yet! I cannot remember the last time I had an entire year of happiness. That’s not to say that I was in a good mood every day; I still had bad days and sleepless nights. However, good doesn’t mean perfect. And my 19th year has been just that, good but not perfect.  For the next 19 days I will be writing daily articles that will lead to my 20th birthday. I will be sharing things about my life that I feel have had an impact in making me who I am and who I hope to be as I get older. I share these articles in the hopes that the people around me might get to know me better and that maybe for a while, see what goes on in my head. I mostly write the articles for myself. For the past 19 years, I have been selfish; I won’t lie, sometimes it’s in a bratty way but it’s mostly in a healthy way. I have learned that being selfish is good because I have to love myself before I can truly care for the people around me. I have noticed that many people (myself included) don’t value ourselves as much as we should. We deny ourselves the love that we so rightly deserve. When really we should be our own biggest fans. So I hope that as I grow older I can continue to build myself up and love myself for my own good, as well as the people around me that need to know they are loved.

My 19 and Crazy project is not only inspired by my awesome year, but by my fear of growing up and my decision to embrace change.

So here I am life, writing about things that matter to me. Some of the articles I write will be shorter and silly, while others, more personal. I have never shared my personal writing publicly with my family and friends so this is a big step for me, and honestly I am scared, but this is a step I need to make.

Song of the day

The title for my “project” comes from an old country song that I loved in middle school. I belted it at the top of my lungs waiting for a day in my life that I would feel alive. And who would of thought that my 19th year would do this for me? The words in this song don’t all ring true to my life, but I can definitely relate to the feelings.

Some lyrics:
Being free, being wild, being bulletproof
Back then we were rebels without a clue
Nothing in the world that we wouldn't do
Didn't give a da*n what people say
We were doing it, doing it our way
I wish that we could always stay
Nineteen and crazy

My lingering thought of the day:

“My happy year doesn’t have to end. I learned that life can be good; if you put in the effort, it can be. So often I would stand waiting for an amazing moment that would change everything. But I had to go out and make the changes, I had to search for the ways that my life could be good.”

*Disclaimer these articles will serve as a sort of scrapbook; I will probably be clipping songs, videos, pictures, etc.


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