Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day 5: Somethings stay the same

It has been a gloomy day in Chicago, I have tons of work to do, and have been laying in bed most of the morning. Publishing 19 posts is starting to get a bit difficult because I unfortunately still have school, homework, extra curricular activities, and somewhere in there I just want to relax. I have been piling activities onto my plate to become more active and the stress is slowly catching up. I am promising myself that I will just keep moving forward and try to be as productive as possible each day. Which honestly has been going pretty well, but today It's rainy and I want to lay in bed. So I am publishing a picture with a short description. For the next 14 articles I will try my best to write quality pieces, but sometimes I know that life will catch up with me and I won't have a chance to write a longer article.

So I am calling these moments: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Some days I will be sharing flash back memories to my childhood instead of an article.

Today's Picture: 

The picture on the left makes me so happy because that young child is still a part of me. I still put on my sunglasses and have a very serious face. Many times people think I am angry, when I really am not. My resting face just happens to be serious and apparently my face has been like this since I was a kid. I am actually a pretty approachable person, my face unfortunately, says otherwise. 


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